Is Whole Body Aura Cleaning and Cell Renewal Therapy Possible with Binaural Beats?


It’s a long title, but it contains important questions. Now everyone sees these frequencies on places like youtube and instagram. There are certain types of music that many inexperienced people simply fit into interesting videos. Since the consumer does not know this science exactly, he only consumes it. This is very sad indeed. Because the real producer is trying to deliver the right content to these users. The consumer has little knowledge of a few numbers and frequencies. I advise my reader to do research and not immediately accept every video they see.

Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

The Door — Binaural and Relaxing Music

There were times in our life when we opened a door to another thought format, whether it was a book, a scholar, a teacher, or our own awakening. When we enter through that door, we see that we cannot think like before. Doors are very important to us, they can be portals, they can be frequencies, they can be Vibrations, they can be Thoughts.

Does Frequency Improve Tones?

The Ancient Civilizations have used the power of frequency and rhythm for centuries to hypnotize, heal and stimulate higher states of consciousness and there is deep and ancient science associated with Solfeggio Frequencies.It has long been known that sound has deep nourishing and healing qualities, that sound and our mood and mood are deeply objective.

We know that everything in the universe has vibrations and that each vibration has its own frequency, namely the frequency of vibration. We can even measure these frequencies. Now that we have this knowledge and can measure it, we have the opportunity to influence and change it. Sound, on the other hand, offers us many ways to experience emotions, relax, unwind and heal through vibrations. Yoga and meditation music also helps to balance the frequency of our body, as well as calming the mind, making it easier to sleep and work, and also to focus. Relaxation music for relaxation and sleep, Solfeggio Frequencies for balancing energy, Binaural rhythms for healing can be used. There is music that helps you clear and balance negative energy. It is possible to reach these frequency music on our Youtube page.

Whole Body Aura Clearing and Cell Renewal Therapy Binaural Beats

So no scientific research? He has a lot of information.

I'm explaining right now. Dear Doctor and herbalist Dr. Joseph Puleo was one of the first scientists to start working on Solfeggio frequencies. He theorized that each of the six frequencies had certain properties and that tones could be used therapeutically. In 1988, another scientist, biochemist Glen Rein, Phd, showed that these frequencies, which he compared to rock music, cause resonance on DNA and can have healing properties. According to a study published in the journal Anti-Aging Medical News in 2006, pulsed frequencies have a positive effect on osteoporosis. A 2018 study by Japanese scientists determined the stress-reducing effect of sound frequencies of 528 Hz, even after just 5 minutes of exposure. It has been determined that appropriately exposed sounds increase the amount of oxygen in the cell, prevent high blood pressure, help sleep comfortably by increasing melatonin, reduce the level of stress hormones, and increase the release of endorphin and oxytocin hormones.

What an important science! Why isn't it investigated further? or people are not given more information.

In fact, science cannot get a clear answer because it approaches it scientifically. Because the answers come to the divine power of Allah. It goes against science. Because they want to try, test and explore. Just as his questions remain unanswered in the quantum world. Their chances of impact on unseen science are negligible. Doctors can starve in this science. In this science, scientists can become trivial. Statesmen and everyone. It is possible to connect to the divine aura and access all information. It is possible that the answers he seeks will come before you.

There are frequency tones that can radiate into the ambient aura.

When Tesla said electricity would be free for all humanity, investors stopped all support. What is free does not make money. Slavery, Industrial Revolution, Wars, Atomic bomb, Technology and waste consumption. Consumption like crazy. While we think we're buying products. In fact, we are the product.

Its purpose is not to go off topic. My aim is to get rid of the negative effects and thoughts that we are exposed to from outside with this science.

What are those famous Solfeggio Frequencies?

There are known to be 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies;

  • 396Hz — This is a low and smooth frequency that helps cleanse feelings of guilt, fear, and trauma. It is associated with Muladhara (Root) Chakra.
  • 417Hz — Helps to bring on positive change and creativity. This frequency is known to help relieve stress and tension, helping to loosen tight muscles and joints, which increases physical mobility. 417Hz is associated with Svadhishthana (Sacral) Charka.
  • 528Hz — This frequency brings about transformation and miracles in a persons’ life. It is particularly good for anxiety, pain relief, weight loss and to help rewire neural pathways in the brain. It is associated with Manipura (Solar) Chakra.
  • 639Hz — The frequency of love and healing. It is deep and profound and connected with intimacy and vulnerability. It serves as a foundation for healthy relationships and inter connectivity. Its Chakra relationship is Anaharta (Heart).
  • 741Hz — Deals with empowerment and speaking ones’ truth. 741Hz is helpful for generating ideas, clear speaking, creative thinking and increasing self-confidence. Vishudda (Throat) Chakra is the main beneficiary of 741Hz.
  • 852Hz — The frequency of reconnection with the spiritual and higher order thinking. It cuts through illusions, helping one to see themselves with clarity in their environment. This frequency connects us with deep dreams, astral projections as well as connecting us with our authenticity. Ajna (3rd Eye) is the Chakra related here.
Telekinesis Activation Music — Positive Aura Builder — Frequency and Vibration Meditation Music

More to come.. Stay tuned…

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The Door Binaural and Relaxing Music
The Door Binaural and Relaxing Music

Written by The Door Binaural and Relaxing Music

We are a small group that needs and assimilates universe and interdimensional knowledge. We want to share the knowledge we have and we are very excited to learn

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